Ink Drawings, Berlin

Zurück bleiben Bitte, (Doors are Closing, ovet sulkeutuvat), Ink Drawing, 49cm x 40,5, year 2005 (Private collection)

Berlin, Ostbahnhof, Ink Drawing, 49cm x 40,5, year 2005

Berliner Morgenpost, Ink Drawing, 49cm x 40,5cm year 2005

BVG, Haltestelle (Bus Stop, pysäkki), Ink Drawing, 49cm x 40,5, year 2005

Rosenthaler Strasse, Ink Drawing, 49cm x 40,5, year 2005

Potsdamer Platz, Berlin, Ink Drawing , 49cm x 40,5, year 2005

Was bedeutet Glück? (mitä onni on?) Ink Drawing 49cm x 40,5, year 2005 (Private collection)

Schönhauser Allee, Berlin, Ink Drawing on paper,, 49cm x 40,5, year 2005

Palace of the Republic, Berlin Ink Drawing, 49cm x 40,5, year 2005