Dreaming about - Berlin drömmar,
Gallery Katariina
Year 2004 I had a grant from Finnish Cultural Foundation to live and work in Künstlerhaus Schloss Wiepersdorf whole springtime. That artists castle is located 80 km from Berlin. I both a car from Germany (with 1000€) and drove to paint on the streets of Berlin. Here are some of the paintings. That was a big change in my life, and somehow it started the happiest period and the best rest of my life. The exhibition was at the Helsinki artists Associations Gallery Katariina in Helsinki on same autumn.

Künstlerhaus Schloss Wiepersdorf: Lieblings Haus 130x 130cm, 2004 and Viele liebe Grüsse aus Berlin, 2014

Ostbahnhof - Berlin, oil on canvas, size 81 x 81cm, 2004 (HAM- Helsinki Artmuseum collections)

Was ist eigentlich los mit mir? (Mitä minulle oikeastaan on tapahtunut???? Muuri - Die Mauer, Berlin) oil on canvas, 40x 40cm, 2004

Andreas Strasse (quite late, Berlin) oil on canvas, 40x 40cm, 2004

Colors at Night (Greifswalder Strasse, Berlin) Oil on Hardboard, size 40x 40cm,2004, private collection

Berliner Strasse, oil on canvas, size Ø 30cm, year 2004

Andreasstrasse, oil on canvas, size Ø 40cm, year 2004

Andreasstrasse 2, oil on canvas, size 40x40cm, year 2004

Hunger auf Leben (Siegessäule, Berlin) oil on Canvas, 69x69cm, 2004

Die Lieblings Hauser Berlins', oil on canvas, size 40x40cm, 2004

Wir bauen für Sie (mit Lieblings Haus,Berlin) oil on canvas, size 56x 56cm, 2004

Die Vergänglichen Dinge sind Tiefer als die Ewigen (asioiden syvällisyydestä), 81x 81cm, oil on canvas, 2004

Liebe macht Liebe, oil on canvas, size 69x 69cm, 2004, private collection

Lätäkköheijastus Berliinissä - Reflection in a Puddle in Berlin, oil on canvas, 80x 100cm, 2008

Lieblings Haus, oil on canvas, size 50 x 50cm, 2004, private collection

Marien Kirche, Berlin, oil on canvas, 45 x 45cm, 2004

Tote und Einsame Herzen ( Mauer in Berlin) oil on canvas, size 55x 55cm, 2004

Künstlerhaus Schloss Wiepersdorf, studioview from my ateljé during the time in Germany when I had my Finnish Kultural Foundation working grant. Biggest painting: Die Gefühle sind immer echt, 80x80cm, oil on canvas, 2004