River Deep, Mountain High - I´ve been painting light - Jag har målat ljus

River Deep- Mountain High - I've been painting Light, oil on canvas, Galleria Aarni, Espoo 2011

I've been painting Light, 110x 130cm, oil on canvas, 2011, private collection

Midnight Sun (Keskiyön aurinko),46x55cm, 2011, private collection

Summer night, 100x 100cm, oil on canvas, 2011, private collection

Morning has Broken, oil on canvas, 54x 65 cm, 2008 , private collection

From Morning has Broken series, oil on canvas, 54x 65 cm, 2008

From Morning has Broken series, oil on canvas, 54x 65 cm, 2008

From Morning has Broken series, oil on canvas, 54x 65 cm, 2008

From Morning has Broken series, oil on canvas, 54x 65 cm, 2008

- - - About Morning has broken series (Aamu joella- sarjasta )I was painting on very early mornings by the riverside in Karjaa, Finland year 2008. The river is called Mustionjoki. Painters' union had that year an artists symposium in Karjaa. I was the President of the Union - so I didn't have any time at all to paint during days. I needed to wake up first and have my secret painting hours before other artists woke up. It was most lovely time. Very nice artists from Norway, Denmark, Hungary, Romania and of course from Finland.